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Brilliance Cruise to Mexico Jan 2018

Another brutal blast of arctic air is upon us, as we are just settling in again after unpacking and doing laundry from our cruise to Mexico last weekend. That's right, another cruise in the books. This time it was on the Brilliance of the Seas from Tampa to Cozumel. Not anything really new to us, we've done the itinerary many times. We just like to get away and enjoy the food and entertainment. Its nice to not have any jobs to do around the house for a few days.

This trip I experimented with packing light. I only packed two shirts, a hoodie, one pants, one leggings, one shorts, a dress, sandals, and a blazer. And it was awesome. Everything matched so it was mix and match. No one really notices what you wear and on a cruise ship you don't really see the same people all the time. I'll do it again next month for our next cruise. Same trip, Same ship.

See if you can tell in the video that I packed light.

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