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Goal #5: Get a New Roof

Homemade deep fried cheese curds
So, we're making progress on our New Years Resolutions. I lost 10 lbs last month and have managed to maintain it into February. I love being able to wear my old jeans from high school that are real (none of that stretchy spandex shit woven in, just real 100% cotton jeans) they are so soft and have that tattered look that is real since they are over thirty years old. Can you even believe I have clothes that are over 30 years old?? I actually have a lot of old clothes because I love how they wear, they fit and they look. I have t-shirts from the 80's from running races I ran when I was in my twenties running, biking and doing marathons. Anyway, I love my old tattered jeans.

The other resolutions were to talk to strangers which I do every day, write in the blog which I have been doing a lot so I'm counting that one as met, and to save more money than I make - and thanks to gas prices going up and likewise the investments and stock market, that one is met too - we are on track to increase our net worth 20% again this year!! So, the only outstanding goal is to get a roof done, and I'm happy to report that we have signed a contract to have that big job completed the first week in March.

I'm probably going to write about the whole quote, research, comparison, meeting contractors etc that is involved in the project but I'll do it on my other frugal living blog Frugalapolis. So, if you think you might want to read about that kind of stuff, you can follow me over there. The easiest way since most of you follow me on Facebook, is to LIKE Frugalapolis on facebook and you'll see my posts there. You can also follow me on instagram, twitter, tumblr, pinterest, and Google+.

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