Did you know you can lend some of your Amazon kindle ebooks to your friends by simply emailing it to them? They click the link and have 14 days to read the ebook before it is automatically returned to you in your account. During the lending period it will be unavailable to you. It’s really simple to do.
1. Log into your Amazon account and click Your Account in the upper right corner.
2. In the ORDERS section, under order history, click View Your Digital Orders.
In the drop down box, select KINDLE ORDERS, and select your time period then GO. A list of your books will display, click on VIEW ORDER to see if the book is lendable.
3. In the center of the page, under your order history date, you will see a link LOAN THIS BOOK to anyone you choose.
4. Complete this screen with the email address of your friend you are lending the ebook to, their name, From: your name, and a note if you want. The publisher has set a limit that you can only loan this book out once.
5. Your friend will get an email with a link. They click the link and it will bring them to Amazon to accept the loaned book by clicking the yellow button on the right.
It will deliver the book to their registered device or Kindle.