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Veterans Day Jobs Around The House

Paint Ford Explorer
1998 Ford Explorer that needs a paint job
Another week and I'll be up North for a few weeks, so there's lots to do to prepare. Unfortunately this trip is not in the nicest time of the year up there and will be a challenge to get my 1000 minutes of cardio per month. I may not make it this month and I guess I have to be okay with that. It also means I'll be away from DH for the longest we've ever been apart since we've known each other.  And I'll miss our 21st anniversary on Thanksgiving with DH.

But with modern technology we can still remain close even though we're far away. I just set up skype on his laptop so we can skype while we're apart. If you want to add him as a contact just search the skype directory for st1300biker and that will be DH. My contact name is frugalapolis, but you probably already have that.

Anyway, there is a lot of training going on here. There are a ton of things I have always done and DH needs to take over and make sure he knows how to manage them. Like log in online and pay the bills, or change the alarm clock from alarm1 to alarm2 for the weekend, or to give the dog pills, and how to clean the dogs ears effectively, and when to shock the hot tub, and how to check our email. Plus a bunch of other things about how to find where certain food products are stored, and above all to go through my newspapers and pull out the coupon inserts and label and file them. He also is somewhat proficient at using the Grocery Tracker app for shopping at Publix, but he will be couponing on his own while I'm away.

All this training is interesting to consider that couples often do their certain tasks and the other partner just assumes it will get done. But then the partner is not there, and the task doesn't get done. Lots of times it doesn't matter, but I think its helpful when both parties are crosstrained and can manage the household equally as well. There are a lot of things DH does that I could do, but he does it better so he gets to do it. Just something to contemplate.

Today, is a holiday in honor of our nations veterans. They deserve a day, just as mothers and fathers do. So us state government workers get the day off, along with schools closed and no mail or banks open. One of our jobs before I leave is to finally get our 15 year old truck painted. We spent a couple hours washing and prepping it to bring in to Maaco to get painted this week. I hope it turns out good. It should because we opted for the best paint plan they have with performance base coat and top coat. Hopefully we'll have that truck another 10 years and it will look and run good.

On that note, I'm off to check the crock pot and start packing.

Enjoy the Holiday!
Veterans Day Holiday
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