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The Last Time We Were In Cozumel...

The last time we were in Cozumel was pretty wild, at Senor Frogs. We drove these crazy scoot coop 1/2 motorcycle 1/2 go cart type vehicles around the island and actually didn't crash. Then we partied with some young Gen - Y kids all afternoon and they just would not stop. Dancing on the bar and getting half naked. DH was digging it.  But, this weekend we hope it will be a little more sedate, with just some cool America's Cup Sailing Regatta and only a couple Corona's after to cool down.
Anyway, I've been on this data diet on my cell phone and I hate it. In fact, I've decided that I don't need to be on that kind of a diet, it does nothing good for my health, and actually not much good for my pocketbook. So here's the deal - we're out of pocket for the holiday weekend, being out of the country and all. But when I get back, my new Samsung Galaxy S4 will be waiting for me to activate on Memorial Day!! I am so excited. I've actually done good on my data diet only using 292 MB in data this month, when usually I would have used 1,000,000 MB by now ( I used to use at least 3000 MB per day before). So this has been quite the shock and I don't like it at all. I can't believe there are people out there who don't know what they are missing by not having a smartphone! Anyway, when we get back we're switching phones. DH will have my phone number and I'll have his number but on a new phone. So we'll both have smartphones but for less cost than last month. We both can have a smartphone for the cost of what my old plan cost me alone, so we're actually ahead of the road. But when you do the math of $80 a month for our cell phones, that's $960 a year and after ten years it will cost us almost $10,000 for 2 cell phones. Is that non-frugal or what?? Right now I don't care. I want my data back. And I'm going on vacation.
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