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The Daytime Man Cave

These guys get together in their daytime man cave, the atrium. Even though they all assemble at lunch time, they are not there to eat lunch. None of them eats. Actually, they are not really even there to talk to each other. No, they gather every day to play games on their smartphones. It's really strange to see a table of six or seven guys looking down at their phones and not even interacting with each other. Strange habits of young men these days.
I suppose I'm not much better with my nose in my book at lunch. But at least I make it known that I prefer to lunch alone so I may indulge in some reading. I don't go along with someone who wants to have lunch with me, and then pull out a book. That would be rude. Isn't it just as rude to pull out a phone and keep your attention glued to it while there are others at your table? Yes. That would be rude. Don't do it.
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