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Carole King & James Taylor, Boomer Heaven


Last night we worked the Carole King & James Taylor concert at the St Pete Times Forum. It was sold out with over 16,000 well behaved fans. It was a long show over 2 1/2 hours stock full of hits. Carole King is amazingly sharp looking for someone 68 years old, and James Taylor was letting the Earth Move Under His Feet too, at age 62. What a pair, they still have great voices that can belt out those wonderful songs of the 70's, 80's and 90's. Here's the review from the Tampa Tribune and another write up about this 40th Anniversary Tour.
I was trying to figure out if they are a couple, because they were sure friendly to each other - holding hands and a kiss on stage. They alternated back and forth for their 30 song set, and complimented the quiet James Taylor songs like You've Got a Friend, with Carole Kings' Its Too Late. It was one of the best concerts we've seen. They performed in the round with a slowly rotating stage surrounded by VIP tables and chairs. Above them were at least six or eight large video screens so you could see up close even if you were seated in the cheap seats.
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