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Judgement day for the dogs

Well Tuesday was the big day in court for the owners of the foreclosed house with the dogs. It appears the renters moved and have abandoned their dogs. We thought there were only the two dogs, but when they were all moved out of the screen porch into cages, we can see there are 5 dogs. They left 3 of them in one cage. The one large dog in the medium cage can't sit up, or stand, and probably can hardly fit to lay down - barked and howled all evening. It astounds me that a parent with small children can just up and move and leave 5 dogs in cages with no food or water. There was some activity at the renters house on Monday evening, like some drilling and moving stuff around, but the dog was crying and barking for attention.

If any of you have a dreadful situation like this in your neighborhood, please don't ignore it. I can't believe with all the barking, crying and howling from these dogs - none of our neighbors have done anything to stop it. Maybe they got the same story from the Temple Terrace police to stay out of it like we did. If you see or hear animals that are neglected and abused - contact animal services to investigate. Thats what I've done today, I took a picture and emailed it to them and will follow up with a phone call. Hopefully, this sad saga will be over for those poor dogs.
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