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Blues Festival last weekend

I forgot to write something about last weekend. We finally took the boat out for the first time this year!! Isn't that pathetic! I think so. We spent a lot of $$$$$ on it and it sits on the side of our yard 95% of the year. Anyway we're going to try to get out at least once a month for the rest of forever. It only has 25 hours on it, still basically brand new. We took it over Williams Park and got the safety check by the coast guard so we got a new 2009 sticker that matches our boat trim color, blue. The water was a light chop in places, moderate chop in open water but not bad enough to keep us from going over to St Pete vinoy park to listen to the Blues Festival. I think we were listening to Eric Lindell and some other band after that. It was a nice sunny day.P.S. I know you're wondering whats up with the dogs next door. Well they are quiet but still there. This morning there was a car in the drive, and a trailer there and I thought maybe the dogs were getting moved but who knows. The cages are gone and the dogs are either in the house or in the porch. Maybe this weekend is moving time. I really don't know or care anymore, my space is quiet and thats what matters.
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