, pub-2049694213563730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Bailout gets a Big Fat NO - myownplace
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Bailout gets a Big Fat NO

Well congress finally heeded the voice of their constituents and voted NO to the white house "rescue" or bailout plan for the stupid banks. Better bury your cash in a coffee can and don't check the stock market for a while. Hang on - Hooverizing here we come!

Let the finger pointing begin.

Some members of the House GOP are blaming Speaker Pelosi's hard-edged partisan speech for the loss.

"Progress had been marked by magnaminity with Frank, and Hoyer ... Hers (speech) had a partisan tone," said Rep. Adam Putnam (my representative of 12 district).

A Pelosi sokesman shot back -- "You don't vote on a speech, you vote on a bill."

Some Republicans are claiming Minority Whip Roy Blunt told Majority Leader Steny Hoyer before Republican votes would only be in the "high 50s" but Pelosi made her tough speech anyway.

Hoyer: "That's absurd."

Dow is down 460.
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