, pub-2049694213563730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Arnold has the balls - myownplace
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Arnold has the balls

Finally a Governor who has the balls to make it against the law to text while driving. Newspapers in every city share news of tragic auto accidents where people are killed because some idiot was texting while driving. Thats right - if you do it you're an idiot. No one who values their life or others would do this. It is totally irresponsible and there is no excuse in the world that you need to read or make a text message when you are driving. Have you ever thought of using the phone to talk to the person?? Duh. While I don't like to see drivers on the phone, at least they can talk and look at the same time - texting takes their eyes off the road. I can't wait til its outlawed in ALL states. Time to write another letter to your congressman or representative.

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill Wednesday that will outlaw text messaging while driving, the governor's office said. The law would come into effect Jan. 1, 2009. “Building on legislation already helping save lives in California, I am happy to sign this bill because it further encourages safe and responsible driving,” Schwarzenegger said in a news release. The bill proposed by state Sen. Joe Simitian bans the use of a wireless phone device to write, send or read text messages while operating a motor vehicle. Violators caught text messaging while driving will be fined $20 for a first offense and $50 for any violations after that. “Banning electronic text messaging while driving will keep drivers’ hands on the wheel and their eyes on the road, making our roadways a safer place for all Californians,” Schwarzenegger said.
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