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Concerts - The Who, Joan Jett, Josh Turner

April has been packed with activities including concerts every week. Last week we attended the 50th Anniversary show of The Who in Amalie Arena in Tampa. It was an awesome show and we had awesome floor seats so the sound was perfect and the sightline was great.

Joan Jett and the Blackhearts warmed up for the Who. She still has a great loud, clear voice at a ripe old age of 56.
Pete Townsend is a millionaire over many times, he's just doing this for the band. He enjoyed himself. Here's the set list of the two hour show.
  1. See Me, Feel Me (Excerpt from the "Tommy")
  2. Encore:
Roger Daltrey the main singer still has a voice, but I'm glad this was the first show of the Rock Tour because I'm not sure he'll last. He turns 70 in May so its good to see him still out and about, but this undoubtedly will be the last tour.

Zack Starkey is 39 and he is Ringo Star's son, playing drums in The Who. Maybe they're all doing the tour for him.

We also attended the Josh Turner country concert at Busch Gardens Wine and Food festival, but halfway through it started raining. We were on the motorcycle and got totally drenched even though we only had 1.7 miles to ride home. WeatherBug failed us on that one, the cloud didn't even show on the radar.

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