, pub-2049694213563730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Season's Greetings and Happy New Year 2014 - myownplace
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Season's Greetings and Happy New Year 2014

Another Christmas, another year gone by. We're fortunate to be healthy and well, and our state jobs are there for us another few years. We've traveled quite a bit as evidenced that it was our largest spending category of our budget of the year. Our latest trip to Naples blessed us with beautiful weather and the great company of my sister and brother in law. They are headed to sunny AZ in a few days to spend the rest of the winter out of MN. One of my recent trips was to MN this November to help care for a family member and the weather was not one of the high lights of that visit. I did manage to lose 6 lbs while in MN either from shivering all the time, or maybe it was due to not drinking. Anyway, I have found it again and its either from building muscle mass from bike riding again, or from drinking. Something like that.

If you're interested in seeing pictures from our Caribbean cruise, or our Mexico cruise or our summer trip to MN, just click any of these links.

Have a Happy Holiday, and Joy to You in the New Year 2014!
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