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Feeling Trapped


Before winter came back to Florida (it was 37F this morning with ice on the car windows), we enjoyed a nice day at the Bay Area Renaissance Festival at the nearby MOSI grounds in Tampa. It was warm and clammy but there was a strong wind blowing in this stupid cold front here. Anyway, it was nice that day. We like to see our favorite performer Johnny Phoenix and his danger comedy act. He also does an adult R rated show at the end of the day that is hilarious. In the picture above, Johnny is wrapped in 150 ft of saran wrap by some audience volunteers and he later attempts to escape in just sixty seconds.
But until then he is trapped. Tightly wrapped with layer upon layer of plastic that sticks to everything, especially when its hot.
Personally, I hate feeling trapped. Not necessarily trapped in saran wrap, but the feeling that I have limited options sometimes when I want to change a situation. These days my job as a govt analyst is incredibly dull. My mind is shriveling up in my cranium and I can't think creatively. I know part of this is due to the fact I'm not biking. You'll see in our quarterly mileage report that I've only ridden my bike 50 miles this quarter instead of 400 miles like I did last winter. The road paving project that was supposed to be done in January, was moved back to April. Well, April is a few days away and the DOT has only paved a half lane of 1 mile of road in a twelve mile stretch. Its really frustrating because it is out of my control. My preferred lifestyle has been on the shelf for almost a year now, and I'm really starting to go crazy.
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