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Dog Days Disrupted


This remodel project just seems to drag on and on. Sure, we do some little chore or big chore each day, but its disruptive. Especially for the dog. The office is her favorite place to hang out, on her "place" of course. She is trained to have a rug as her "place" and she's become attached to it. Its supposed to help them behave no matter who visits your house, or if you take them somewhere else you bring their place and they like it and lay there and behave. And you can have multiple places around your home and they know that's where you want them to hang out, instead of for instance the couch. But we have moved our dog's place because it can't be in the middle of our remodel room. So we moved her place into the living room, which is also in disarray with moved furniture and extra furniture and half pulled up carpet and half terrazzo floors. She doesn't really like her place in the living room because she wants to lay down in the office - with the lost nails, broken glass shards, wood shavings, plywood scraps and new insulation. Plus it smells bad now - like insulation. And you know how dogs love things that smell bad.
So the dog has decided she likes the bad smell of old walls behind paneling and the new smell of insulation. She just jumps up on the wall and pulls down some of that fluffy cotton candy and starts shredding it and chewing it up and spitting it out. Great. Every day since we put it up she's been getting into the insulation. She also has started to chew on paper she finds laying around. And for the first time in her life, she jumped up to sniff the food on the kitchen counter. She is being bad. She's trying to let us know she doesn't like the disruption, even though we're trying to keep it to a minimum for her. But she is crabby and moody now. Because in addition to disruption to the inside of the house, we have moved her doghouse and place outside, moved her water and food bowls, and moved all her stuffed animal babies. Plus the utility trailer is constantly being moved and rearranged so its not over her dog digger hole where she likes to burrow into the cool sand on hot summer days.
It's rough, all this displacement. But being the old dog she is, she's just going to have to get over it.
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