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A Crane In The Neck


These lovely two birds, Sandhill Cranes have taken up residence near my office. Almost every day we see them strutting around the parking lot between cars looking at themselves in the reflection and making that weird googling clucking noise. They like to walk around the building too and stare in the reflective windows and peck at their own shadows. Oh, by the way they too saw their shadows on this groundhog day, so we're in for another long six weeks of winter. Brr. Can't take these 60 degree nights much longer,
Anyway, these birds apparently are federally protected endangered species. But that pisses a few people off, because they are a nuisance. I like them though.They don't seem to be that smart though - choosing to peck in the dirt right by the road. They seem to have no fear of people or roads or cars and I wonder if I'll find one of the flattened on the road soon.
I was talking to the security guard who tries to shoo them away from cars today. It turns out some guy in the other office here has a really sparkly car, and the birds liked it a lot and were pecking at it so much, they caused $3000 worth of damage! Two birds, go figure.
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