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America Don't Google It


Last night we took the ST1300 across town to the Taste of Pinellas, an outdoor festival of food and music. It was incredibly hot at 96F but told us it felt like 109F. Thank God for sea breezes though, that made it feel a little cooler. Anyway, the band was America, an old favorite from the 70's and they played all their hits like Horse with No Name, and Sister Goldenhair. The food tickets were only $0.50 each and we managed to find some pizza for only 3 tickets (Can you do the math?? Cheap!). I found a sheet of 8 tickets too, so more free food.
After America, it was Huey Lewis and the News, another great oldie. But he still has it, you can read about it from when we saw them earlier this year HERE. All in all a great night. DH is proud to announce that he has just turned over 7000 miles on the ST.
Today we went for a nice ride on both bikes and mine turned over 4200 miles.
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