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photo madness

Now I have hundreds of pictures from California and from Minnesota last weekend, and my favorite photo vendor Shutterfly has come through with free shipping on a bunch of my accounts. They also have offers to earn a free photobook. So you know what I'll be doing - ordering stuff! So if any of you need a free shipping account to order something, just let me know. These are 3 day offers which expire January 24, so hop to it.

Here's an update on my new years resolutions - we are continuing to save $$ for a new boat and shopping. I am just now going to start on my diet and excercise in an attempt to lose my 10 extra lbs - the goal is before our cruise in April. With all the travel in January so far, I haven't been able to ride my bike as much, only logging in 50 miles so far this year. I have been collecting digital scrapbook elements and papers but have not had much practice with photoshop except for putting together quick pages.
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