, pub-2049694213563730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Finally Friday! - myownplace
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Finally Friday!

Its been a long week with working late to make up some of our leave time and also approaching the longest day of the year (TODAY). It was a little dark biking into work, but I look forward to more sunlight each morning.

In case you're wondering about the new sidebar, we've decided to upgrade our boat to something a little newer. We just had a great time on the water all week at Naples, and since its all running good and the trailer just got overhauled we figured now we have all year to find a new one. More info is listed on with pictures. Hopefully it will go for our asking price, and then we need to work lots of sporting events and concerts to earn more cash for a new one, plus continue with the slickdeals, ticket resales, focus groups, surveys for the boat fund.

Have a super Holiday!

here's a new picture taken today of grandbaby Andy-
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