, pub-2049694213563730, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Bye Bye Proline - myownplace
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Bye Bye Proline


I'm feeling kind of sad, and glad a little - we just sold our faithful old "time out" tonight. No more time out on the boat. The new owner was soo excited to get it and wants to go fishing tomorrow. I'm glad it got a good owner who will care for it the way we did. We just had a wonderful week in Naples fishing and watching the sunset every day in our boat. Those guys caught the goliath grouper on the Santa Lucia shipwreck site, and the drinks on the rocks in the boat rather than the boat on the rocks and me in the drink! Oh the memories. But now on to the new stuff - we're trying to get $$ for the new boat we want, lots of window shopping and nadaguides to check. When the perfect one comes along we want to be ready. Keep an eye out for us (but only if you live in FL, we don't really need an ice fishing boat in MN).

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