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Buschit Gardens

We've slowly been starting to go back to BG about once a week since they cut us off at the end of January. A few weeks ago we realized they were selling the small sample cups for a mere $1.99 and figured we could spring for a couple bucks to have a beer with our buddies. Well, enough of that place. Last week we went for our walk around the park, and were rolling into the Garden Gate cafe for our cheap sample, but we bumped up against the glass door that was already locked at 5:34 pm. WTF!! They close the farking Garden Gate cafe a half hour before the park closes? What with all the 4 people they served? So we boycotted the place for a while again until they started with the late hours, open til 7pm. We figured we could get there before the little dead cafe closed. That place has been a ghost town since the free samples stopped flowing, and then they started a little something by offering a formerly free beer for $2 and lured us back. We justified in our minds that we could pay them something for a beer. Well, little did we know it was just a hoax and that they were dangling the carrot in front of us and yanking it higher and higher out of our reach. Today when we payed the total was $5.76 for two small samples, I almost shit my pants. I looked at the clerk and was shocked, she must have the price wrong. But then my eyeballs slowly focused on the price board on the wall and noticed the price was now $2.99 for a sample. OMFG! That's a 50% price increase!! Do they think we're madoff or rich or something? I'm still in shock turning to dear and saying we need more money, the five spot was not enough. I knew it was for a limited time only and posted that here earlier, but I still don't like it and I'm not going to stand for it. Good thing I have other happy things to do in my life besides get pissed at InBev for pissing off their customers. It's going to be a while before I go back, and you can bet I'm not getting any beer.
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